Chronicle of a Sophrologist: 10 Magical Solutions for Conquering Procrastination

Procrastination, the tendency to postpone for tomorrow, what could be accomplished today. Who hasn’t fallen for it when faced with an extensive to-do list or starting a major project? The temptation to postpone work has even been written into popular songs, “«Aujourd’hui peut-être... ou alors demain...» (“Today perhaps, or yet perhaps tomorrow…”). But there is something a lot more mysterious about procrastinating, and it is that the procrastinator is not at all lazy. In fact, a procrastinator is capable of getting up before dawn to get to a meeting on time, only to arrive late, having found all kinds of excuses for distraction. The reasons for procrastination are numerous, varying from a lack of interest, to dissatisfaction with the task at hand, or that little voice that tells us that we can’t do the task well, or even more likely, the fear of failure which paralyses us to the point that we lose all confidence. Procrastination doesn’t make us feel good either. Instead, we are left feeling guilty, useless and inept, creating feelings of depression, which could cause us to feel socially insecure. Here are 10 ways to conquer procrastination: 1) Determine what your priorities are. It’s important to have them clear in your mind 2) Stay away from the laptop, iPad, television... 3) Set your objectives by order of importance and date in a diary where it is clearly visible 4) Divide each task into several small tasks so that it can easily be achieved and provide you with a sense of satisfaction 5) Commit to your tasks to build self confidence 6) Identify any fear of failure and kick it to the curb 7) Be proud of yourself at every stage. Each step is a victory 8) Ask for help from friends who have expertise in the area 9) Plan ahead to avoid getting burned out with fatigue or life’s uncertainties 10) Develop self-confidence slowly, victory after victory and don’t forget to congratulate yourself once you’ve succeeded! As Jules Renard said, « True courage consists of being brave precisely when we are not. » This is the same for work, the discipline to persevere. It is when all of us divert our attention from our goal that we should in fact strive to prove their worth. Aude Mahoudeau-Campoyer