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Hi everyone ! My name is Aude, I am a sophrologist and I now have the great pleasure of writing for Hong Kong Madame every month to share my thoughts, hints and tips with you. Think about these questions:

Do you feel like there is something lacking in your life?

Do you regularly experience the same emotions, the same problems?

Do you feel like you're not reaching your full potential?

If you're ready to change these habits of a lifetime, you can start with some exercises... What would you change if you could change one thing that interferes with your enjoyment of life- just one thing to start with, one thing that would allow you to feel free.

What you need to do is make a conscious effort to take control and stop it: shout "STOP!" out loud. The past is behind you, the future is not here yet. The only real time is the NOW, this constant new short lived moment.

Are you ready to enjoy it?

To help you with this and to put you at ease, you should start by sitting comfortably and breathing in and out. Each breath in should help you sink deeper in to yourself with softness and respect. Close your eyes and listen to your body like it's the very first time you have taken the time to listen to it and felt what it is really like to be alive. Clear your thoughts, you don't need them right now, you only need to be alone with yourself.

Now, allow your mind to focus on the image you love the most. Enjoy this moment and the connection between your heart and mind. Allow your mind to travel right inside the image and for as long as you wish, enjoy the way it makes your senses feel. You are the master of your thoughts.

This, the present, is the only moment that exists. "There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow.

Today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live". – Dalaï Lama. Aude, Sophrologist.


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